


開始今天的主題前,先請大家猜一猜,這二個案例,誰的臉是「天生脂肪較厚」誰的臉則是「咀嚼肌發達」? 想要讓臉小一點,是許多女生的願望,但該怎麼做很有學問,許多人想到瘦臉,第一個就是想要去打所謂的「瘦臉針」,相信應該大部份人都不陌生,但傳說中的瘦臉針其實泛指肉毒桿菌,的確針對咀嚼肌過大的類型做改善,(也就是上圖右邊的這個CASE),但是如果是紮紮實實的脂肪,也就是俗稱的「嬰兒肥」臉型,可不是肉毒桿菌的處理範圍了,而是得靠消脂針!


肝得健 Lipodissolve Injection (俗稱消脂針)的作用原理

肝得健的主要成分,為多烯磷脂醯膽鹼(Phosphatidylcholine)與去氧膽酸鈉(Deoxycholate)。多烯磷脂醯膽鹼萃取自大豆卵磷脂,是細胞膜的主要成分,是人類膽汁的主要成分之一,可降低膽固醇,加速脂肪從腸胃道和泌尿系統排除,而去氧膽酸鈉(簡稱DC)則可用於能夠破壞脂肪細胞,因此肝得健 Lipodissolve Injection (俗稱消脂針)的作用原理是注射於皮下組織後,破壞、乳糜化脂肪細胞(與超音波抽脂原理相似,將脂肪變得像液體一樣),更有利於被體內巨噬細胞代謝,再藉由淋巴管輸送到肝臟,分解為二氧化碳與水後排出體外。
肝得健 Lipodissolve Injection (俗稱消脂針)可以有效處理哪些問題?


► 嬰兒肥、雙下巴、脖子
手臂 ► 蝴蝶袖
腰腹 ► 上腹、下腹
腿部 ► 臀部、大腿、小腿

肝得健 Lipodissolve Injection (俗稱消脂針)注射劑後,多久可以看到成效?一次療程需要施打幾次?














林上立醫師以多年經驗開發適合東方臉孔的注射思維及概念 -液態拉皮上立提(ShangLift)。其實就是利用不同的注射材質,像是聚己內酯(洢蓮絲)3D聚左旋乳酸(Sculptra),或晶亮瓷(Radiesse),利用不同材質的優勢及特性,精準地規劃劑量,補充老化流失的體積,將注射材質補充在對的關鍵位置。洢蓮絲ellanse聚己內酯PCL依戀詩易麗適少女針奇蹟針液態拉皮上立提二代童顏針膠原蛋白增生洢蓮絲費用價格術後保養1CC價格價位洢蓮絲淚溝法令紋隆鼻下巴推薦醫師術後費用副作用液態拉皮二代童顏針聚左旋乳酸林上立上立皮膚科診所雙下巴抽脂快速消除雙下巴消除雙下巴醫美雙下巴溶脂針臉打消脂針






REVIEW: Shang-Li Dermatologic & Aesthetic Clinic – Ellanse Procedure

In June I flew in to Taiwan to see Dr Lin of ShangLift Taipei.
With my birthday just a few weeks away, this Ellansé procedure was meant to be a gift to myself, to take off 5 years from my face, just as I age a year.

But, why Ellansé? Well, let me explain what Ellansé does

What: First and foremost, please get this right –Ellansé is NOT Botox and it is not similar to Botox. Not at all.
Ellansé is a unique, non-hyaluronic (non-HLA) dermal filler that works by not only immediately correcting the wrinkles and folds in the skin, but also by stimulating the body’s own natural collagen to have a long lasting, natural result.
Essentially, Ellansé is one of the best commercially available fillers now.
I’ve had fillers done before and the results were great so when I was offered to try Ellansé there were no hesitation on my part. Personally for me fillers work to plump up my gaunt face (at the right spots) and to fix the vexation I had with the frown lines around my mouth.
I felt that the nasolabial folds ( aka marionette lines) – deep creases at my mouth area dragged my expression down and I look haggard somewhat.
When: Men or women above the age of 18.
In fact, any man or woman can consider having fillers done as it is not just for beautification purposes but also for the positive effects on one’s self-esteem. An improved appearance does leave most patients looking healthier and happier.
And oh, it’s a major misconception that dermal fillers are just for women. An increasing number of men have turned to these procedures as a way to “turn back the clock” and achieve a more refreshed, youthful appearance.
How: Via injections.
WHY: To stimulate the growth of natural collagen within our own bodies (in this case face) which helps to lift and give better contours to the face.
Basically it is for ANTI-AGING!
Dermal fillers can be injected into the face to correct fine lines, creases and folds, scars and loss of volume and are also used for enhancing lips, reconstructing noses and chins, jawline sculpting and non-surgical rhinoplasty.
To ensure you find a qualified and experienced injector, ask these questions before committing to any procedure:
Who will be doing the treatment? Check that the person has the qualifications and experience to be injecting.
What will the result look like? Ask for before and after photos. Also be very clear about your expectations – does your doctor understand what you want?
I’ve met with the Ellansé principal team in Malaysia 2 years ago and I’ve been considering it since.
And while Ellansé is revered around Asia, what matters most to the success of the surgery is the skill of the physician.
Doctor Lin is the world-champion in cosmetic surgery, with high expertise in anti-aging. His skills earned him the award “The Best Clinical Case in Non-Surgical Facial Rejuvenation”.
He has many mainland Chinese clientele, but welcomes consultations from all over Asia and the Middle East.


VIDEO of BEFORE and AFTER images in consultation with Dr Lin

The procedure

Step 1: Consultation.
This is the preliminary step. The doctor must see your face and understand your concerns.

Step 2: Getting my BEFORE images taken.

Step 3:  Consultation – doctor explains again what is necessary and showed the images so I can see clearly the “problem areas”.

Step 4: Getting ready – cleanse the face free from dirt and make up. Numbing cream applied.

Step 5: Doctor drawing out the areas for the injections and then the procedures begin. Depending on the areas to be injected, the duration can be anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour.

Pain: The treatment doesn’t hurt because of the anaesthetic cream to numb the area. Some clinics may use an anaesthetic injection to “block” any feeling in the area being treated.
Side effects: Generally any side effects, such as minor redness and swelling, resolve after 24 hours.
Step 6: Icing the face if it gets swollen.

Step 7: Getting my meds.

Step 8: Get home and rest!

RESULTS: BEFORE and AFTER – ONE month after procedure.

After a month (July 2017), I flew to Taipei again for my follow up check up with Dr Lin. The effects of Ellanse is immediately but a month would have given the fillers a good time to settle in.
  1. Face – overall better shape and “uplifted”
  2. Lips – thicker look thanks to the lift at the sides of the mouth
  3. Adding volume and smoothing out the deep creases that run from the nose to the mouth (called nasolabial folds or laugh lines).

Last but not least, I’ll answer the question of cost that is utmost on your mind – COST.
This really depends on how much filler you need/want, but generally you can expect to pay between RM1500 and RM2000 or more.
Now, I know there are numerous concerns about prices but what I would like to emphasise here is this – SAFETY.
Beyond safety, level of satisfaction, and customer service, the bottom line is – we are talking about your face.  Where first impressions are made. Why skimp on this? Don’t take the risk!
Find someone reputable. A credible clinic doesn’t run ridiculously low deals on Fave or MilkADeal for dermal fillers. It’s simply not worth it to take the risk for your face! If it sounds too good to be true, it is likely is.
I mean, you wouldn’t go to a discount surgeon would you?
Longevity: Results generally last around four to 12 months, depending on the filler, the technique and the area that is being injected. The body gradually and slowly breaks down your filler over this period of time. 
Naturally, towards the end of this period the effects begin to gradually soften but there is no dramatic change. When the effects begin to soften, you can ‘top up’ the treatment.
For me I would need to top up in June 2019. 🙂

Contact and Address for Dr Lin of ShangLift Taipei

ShangLift Taipei Dr lin – http://ShangLift.tv
官方網站 :http://www.lslskin.com
